Timetable Group Size  Location Price From More Info 
8-16 Oct 2024 4 Gobi Desert  8 days – 5 nights in the desert USD $3500 Link
19-25 Oct 2024 3 Yellow Mountains 6 days – 4 nights in the mountains USD $2800 Link
9-17 Mar 2025 7 Gobi Desert co-lead with Andrea Pozzi – 5 nights in the desert GBP £3000 Link

My sincere apologies for taking down most of the China Workshops I had offered in the past years. Since I moved to London in 2020, and took a new career in working with children, which gave me a great sense of fulfilment and joy that children became the landscape of my world. When I have time off, I am desperate for an immersive experience where I can flourish and grow as an artist.

If you are interested to join me on one of my open journey, you can drop me an email or fill the registration form where you can find on the individual trip page, and I will notify you know when the specific trip you’ve signed up is scheduled.

Timm ChapmanClassic China Tour and Gobi Workshop
Juanli is as essential to travel as your passport. I joined her for a photo trip to China, an adventure fraught with drama on my part; first with my baggage not arriving until days into the trip. Juanli translated to fill out required lost luggage documents, then took me shopping to find the largest winter coat probably in the country to cover my 6’4” frame.
Next drama came when the heel on my hiking boots disintegrated. Juanli found me a cobbler in a rural town, whom proceeded to build me a new heel.
Then if that wasn’t enough, my crown came off at dinner high up in the mountains of Huangshan, and Juanli got on the phone and coordinated an emergency visit to a dentist to have it recemented, all without missing a beat in our travel schedule. What most assuredly would have ruined a trip across the globe, Juanli went over and above to ensure that I didn’t miss a thing and that the group was not negatively impacted. Oh, and I got some great photographs of spectacular landscapes along the way. I can’t recommend Juanli Sun enough. You will be in the best of hands
Jeff CarstenShangri-la and Tibet May 2019 Trip Review
I have just returned from an outstanding photographic adventure in China and Tibet with Juanli Sun. She has the uncanny ability to take us to remote places to capture remarkable images. Her artistic ability gave me a chance to see the world a little differently, and the images I’ve returned with are some of the best I’ve ever done. As native of the area, Juanli is the perfect workshop leader for an unforgettable experience in China and Tibet.